Sunday, April 20, 2008

O my shadow!

In the realm of my senses
I search, I search my dark shadow.
O my shadow ! where are you..?
I know I lost you in this white darkness , yes this white darkness this darkness
Of emotionless white lights ,the light where my body was blinded and my shadow lost.
My body blames the white darkness for taking away its one and only companion
Which was bound to it by root.
But my soul knows the white darkness was the choice my desire made knowing it will blind my body and entrap my soul.
Did my senses knew that my desires made a choice which would put my soul in a dungeon full of white darkness guarded by bonds my desires have signed , thus ensuring
My entrapment for a long long time.
Why my desire denied my soul to have a glimpse of sunlight why it decided that tic-tock
Of the clock on that damp wall will decide when night comes and day goes , not the sun and the moon. My intentions are on a cross road whether to trust my desires again or not, though it knows existence of my desires are required for substantiating that I am a mortal ,but the sacrifice my body my soul and off course my shadow made was it worth

Monday, April 7, 2008

Shame its not u anymore

The desire to be seen, to be known was not a sin.
But an obsession carved out of this desire make your self so pathetic that every breath , every gulp of air existing and entering your lungs make you feel you are no more your self. Its them, it’s for them ,even puppet have there move defined ,there own story but you ,you are that artificial drop of water which is beautifully placed on a dark green plastic leave of a life less plant ,pandering those few , those hollow soul mortgager ,who have bought that plant to make there living room look more aesthetic in the mesmerizing luminescent darkness of materialism .
Can you smell the aroma in that living room…..huh…..? how will you ,you are just a sparkling look-like of drop of water having neither the passion to burn like hydrogen ,neither the willingness to engulf yourself into that passionate fire like oxygen.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

abyss or just nothing

The blindness or absence of light , will knowing the truth will shatter my lovely imaginative world ,will it eat up my cocoon of ignorance , the cocoon I have built up to deny the existence of the ugly world we live in. was reason not enough to shake away our conscience or we had made a secret allegiance with the materialism we breath in and out every second ,killing the “morality” the sense which was manifested in our personality as our natural instinct